
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Coming Soon!

Has it really been over a month since I posted?! Boy, what a slacker! Not really. I've been making Christmas items, and making my family some things for Christmas. I thought that since I'm going to be busy during the next few weeks, that I would post some shell~y things I've already made and not posted. I've had ideas in my head for 3 months of 2 new shell necklaces to create, and just haven't had the time to do them. Unfortunately, I was hospitalized twice in September. Everything seems to be under control with my bod now, so I'm back to creating. I really can't wait to implement my new designs, I'm ready to burst from a need to play around with shells! First things first, and of course that means family. As soon as I finish the project I'm working on, I'll do a shell jewelry post. I should be done with it today! Until next time~


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