
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seashell Saturday

I used to have a collection of various shells, and shell fragments in baskets along the wall at the entrance to my home. All of them found a new home last week when I had the "kids" dig a hole in the front yard for my pond.
The pond is in

and then the fish
I know running water, and fountains are good Chi, and was told to have the water flow coming towards the house, to simulate money flowing in, not out.

the water runs down the big rock
Louisiana Iris and mini Cattails are on each side of the big rock

My mermaid gazes longingly at the fish in the pond
around the base of the mermaid, Florida shells, Oregon sand dollars, and Gulf Coast sponges, and a sea tossed coconut
more shells, another coconut, and one of my sea turtles
a stepping stone to get over to the pond. I want to make a more natural one......

I arranged, and rearranged shells, hubby stacked the Florida limestone rocks, and made the waterfall. I have another iris, and a white waterlily trying to grow in the pond. We still have little touches to see to, and the grass needs to fill back in, but we like it. I'm excited to see the mini cattails. Oh! and the that's another post! She has a little story behind how we came to have her.

I enjoy hearing the water trickle into the pond when the door is open. It's so peaceful. Love it!

Have a wonderful Saturday!



  1. My God! What a beautiful pond! Your really have the sea of shells!
    That mermaid sculpture is just wonderful!


  2. Your pond is so pretty. We are still buried in snow where I am. What a treat it is to see your outdoor activity. The shells look beautiful...

  3. It's so beautiful! I've always wanted a little pond in my backyard, it's so peaceful and serene.

  4. What a beautiful and serene way to display your seashells! The sound of the fountain is perfect and I can't wait to hear the story behind your gorgeous mermaid.

    Seems we have a lot in common my dear — mermaids and seashells and, of course, our love of the sea.

    Great job on the fountain!

  5. I thought I left a comment earlier but I dont see it above. Thank you for stopping by my blog...and I also wanted to say I love what you did with the pond. And the scattered seashells. Looks terrific!!!

  6. Thank you so much for your nice comments! You are such sweet ladies! I enjoyed putting this post together to share it with you!

  7. What a nice feature! You will really enjoy this and it will be fun to watch the fish! I LOVE your mermaid, too...very gorgeous! Enjoy your day! ♥♥♥

  8. Ohhhh I love this! Koi are so beautiful and this is a gorgeous setup! Thanks for the heads up on the produce bag-I'll keep a lookout for a pattern to try :)

  9. I love all the scattered shells!! Shells and water what can I say -love!!!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!