
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Visitors and Sight Seeing

My best friend from Alaska has been visiting for the past two weeks. Dee and I had a great time, and her 2nd oldest daughter came with her for the first week. Laci (my 2nd oldest) and Elisa had a good time, as they were also able to recall silly fun things they did as kids. Dee and I have been best friends since the 7th grade, so we go back many, many years.

We did get to the beach, but only once. We really wanted to hit both coasts, but one or the other of us was recuperating from our few outings.We are both sick ladies, but still want to get out and enjoy our surroundings!

We went to Silver Springs, and went on the glass bottom boats one day, and took a tour up the river from the other side in our pontoon boat on the weekend.

Lisa tried to feed the fish through the glass. It was hilarious!
Looking through the depths of the Silver River
This is so much deeper than it looks
White alligator. Pretty, yes...lethal, definitely!
Dee enjoying the Florida sunshine (I'm under the canopy in the shade!)
Can you see the monkeys?
How about here?
Look real close. See the baby hanging underneath it's momma? It was so very little.
The secret is not to make eye contact. It looks like they've been told that, too!
We never see the monkeys when we go to the park, but we've been lucky to see them almost every time we take our boat up the river. Florida is the only state that has wild monkeys, and we live pretty close to some of them!

I hope you enjoyed our tour on the Silver River!

I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, and I'll be back to my old self soon, with less activity. Sight seeing is fun, but tiring!

I missed you all so much, and I can't express how glad I am to be back. I have so much catching up to do! I'll see you around!



  1. I thought about you when I got up this morning and wondered how you were feeling! I'm glad you've had company and done some fun things! Hope you feel good, too! The monkeys are something else! Great photos! ♥

  2. Hi Dell - What a lovely day - I am so sorry you are under the weather!

    Gets some rest! Thanks so much for stopping by! : ) ( why do the monkey's remind me of my kids when they've been bad - they won't look at me either)

  3. I'm so glad you had a good time with your girlfriend despite your health issues. I've been wanting to rent a cabin in Silver Springs, but it won't be until after the summer heat! I would have been right there with you in the shade!

    Nice to see you back, hugs.

  4. Monkeys, wow! That is interesting. :)Looks like you had a nice time.

  5. Oh, monkeys in Florida. Didn't know that. Looks so beautiful!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!