
Thursday, July 21, 2011

I've been taking a break this week, and enjoying my immediate surroundings!
My flowers are still blooming! The cannas are so tropically pretty!
 This African Lily is one of my favorites. It resembles the Florida native spider lily.
The morning glories are glorious!

and are taking over the fence!

My asparagus ferns are filling out.
and happy enough to bloom!
Did you know asparagus ferns could live outdoors, and bloom?
My orchid has a new blossom after being dormant for the winter.
I love the pretty purple splotchy-ness of this tropical beauty!
My poinsettia is as tall as I am, maybe a little taller, and the African Petunias are spreading from the backyard to the front!
By the time this Poinsettia gets it's red bracts, it will be over the roof line of the house!
Rain lilies are native to Florida, and some people consider them to be a weed.
They even pop up randomly in the yard!
 This section of flowerbed used to be part of the yard.
My white rose is the only bloomer on the south side of the house right now.
I love the sweet smell, and the delicate petals.
My hubby gave this one to me.
Even my waterlily has decided to pop up....
open up, and bloom!

Is everything blooming in your yard, too? I'm still waiting for my Jasmine, and Hibiscus to bloom! What are you waiting for?

Have a wonderful day!



  1. Beautiful flowers Della....I am in love with the african lily! I have never seen one like it...I wonder if it would grow here in zone 7...I lose my hibiscus every winter because of the cold, but that's okay, I just start with new each spring!!My flowers are all nearly done now!! I have a few coming still but very few!!

    Thanks for sharing!!


    1. African lilies grow in georgia if that helps any.

  2. Hi Del - Those are beautiful flowers - no wonder you took some time off to "stop and smell them" - what an exotic and lovely collection...


    beachside cottage

  3. OMIGOSH, that orchid is amazing!!!

  4. Your flowers are beautiful! I had never seen a Poinsettia grow in a flower bed until we moved to Florida! I was SHOCKED! I bought 2 pot plants for my balcony, a fuschia hanging plant that the hummingbirds love and impatiens and they are both just starting to bloom. I needed a few flowers to enjoy! ♥

  5. Morning Glories are my absolutely favorite!!! They won't grow here at this house - I used to have them every year at our old house - no idea why I even soak them and give them a nice start and within a few weeks Pffft. Might be something eats them they just disappear : ( Lovely garden Del!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!