
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Beachy Vibe

I didn't mean to leave you hanging!

I totally lost my mind!

I became so absorbed in my project,

I was less than kind!

I do apologize profusely,

please forgive me friends!

I'm painting, and creating,

I'm not yet at the end.

My bathroom was brown and boring,

hubby had picked the paint,

But I was feeling beachy,

and now the brown paint ain't!

I chose a pretty aqua,

named Bahama's Underwater Green,

and now my bath is beachy,

and my hubby thinks I'm the Queen!

If I disappear for days,

don't think that something's wrong,

I'm just feeling creative,

and getting my Beach Vibe on!

I have several rooms to go,

before my painting is done,

But I'll pop in and share with you,

what is going on!



  1. I was wondering where you've been. I can see you've been doing the same thing I have...painting and redecorating. Hope you haven't hit the snags I have. LOL

  2. Love the poem!
    Love the color!
    Love the Shells!
    Love you!

  3. That is the prettiest and funniest poem! I love the part that your hubby picked out the paint. Hehe. It looks so peaceful and calm. Just beautiful. NICE color!

  4. Oh, and you're a poet too!!! Fun read... For me it's the other way around. I get absorbed in blogging, browsing, etc...., and my projects collect dust.

  5. What a great color. Love your shells. What is the big one that almost looks like a huge lions paw?

  6. Oh, I love it....your poem AND your new colors! I like the pretty light fixture, too! You should see my bathrooms...we never painted them! lol We took the old ugly wallpaper down and they looked so much better that we started getting used to them! I can't wait to get back and put some paint of the walls! HAVE FUN! Don't over do it though! pace yourself! ♥♥♥

  7. Love the poem, you're very talented with words and rhyme.


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