
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Seashore Sunday

Welcome to Seashore Sunday!

Today we are going to the Pacific Coast, to Washington! I love the Pacific Northwest!

Cape Disappointment Lighthouse...
is located in the Cape Disappointment State Park, previously known as the Fort Canby State Park, and part of the Lewis & Clark National Historic Park, and has such a nice view from the path heading to the lighthouse.

This area was named Cape Disappointment by English Captain John Meares after he missed the passage through the sand bar that has earned the name The Pacific Graveyard, due to many ships that have sank here.

I thought it was aptly named due to not being able to go IN the lighthouse, it is much smaller than it looks from a distance, AND it smelled like a dead whale was beached below the lighthouse on the day we visited.
Not to mention it is a fairly good trek to get out to the lighthouse!

Cape Disappointment is the oldest functioning lighthouse on the west coast, and is manned by the US Coastguard.

I have only made the trek out to the Cape once! One Disappointment was good enough for me!
But I have visited North Head every time we were in the area!

You can see Cape Disappointment Lighthouse from North Head Lighthouse.

But that is another post!

Thank you for going on my little venture to the Cape!

You can learn all about the building of it, and the Fresnal Lens, by clicking on the links above.

Have a Beautiful Seashore Sunday!



  1. Oh dear, I've rarely heard of a disappointing lighthouse experience! Wish you could come to New England. I'd show you a few!

  2. It's a beautiful lighthouse and in an area I've never visited! I'm glad we didn't have smellavision for the post! heehee! Enjoy your day! Stay cool! ♥

  3. oh my goodness, what a sad name! The lighthouse is cute, I like small quaint ones like that. Not good, though, to smell like decaying sea creatures :-\

    -rachel w k

  4. Hmmmm... another place I'm going to have to add to my ever growing list of places I want to see!

  5. I would love to go for a visit to that part of the country one day. So pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I would love to visit one day too! Thanks for taking us along with you.

  7. Funny how the place seems to live up to its name..., in a different way. It looks so scenic from a distance.

  8. OMG LOL can you imagine the natives?...Where do you live?....I live in Dissappointment. hahahahahaha


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!