
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Seashell Saturday

WooHoo! It's Seashell Saturday!

I'm so glad you could join me today!

The painting of my house is going very well, and I am almost done. I'll be finishing up this weekend with trim and touch ups...and then I can get back to playing with my shells. Yippeeeeee! I haven't played for a couple of weeks now, and I sure do miss it. Okay...I did make ONE thing! Or maybe THREE??? I'll share them next week!

Since I am supposed to be hard at work, and YouTube is full of awesomeness...
I have another video I found there to share with you!

This is so very interesting!

I knew they were poisonous, I just didn't realize HOW poisonous they were. I know from now on I will be careful picking up cone shells! I haven't ever found a LIVE cone snail before, but I have found other live shells.
What do we do with live shells?
Put Them Back In The Water!!!
Let them live to make some baby shells... so we, and future generations, can enjoy them as well.

A nice big warm WELCOME to my new followers! I'm so happy you are here, and I hope you have some fun with us!

I'll see you tomorrow with an interesting Seashore Sunday!

Have a Super Sunny Saturday!



  1. Well, I had no idea that could happen. Good to know. That was really interesting to watch. Thanks!

  2. You can find about anything you want on youtube. We can get to it from our TV so sometimes we sit there forever wasting valuable time! But like I told my husband, if you are enjoying what you're doing or getting some laughs, you aren't wasting your time.

  3. I've been on the beach with lots of live jellyfish to walk around! Feels kind of weird! I need to be more aware! We saw lots of live sand dollars at Jekyll Island! I always hope NO ONE picks them up! Enjoy your day! Can't wait to see pics of your house! I mentioned you on my latest post! HUGS! ♥

  4. Wow thank you for sharing that video! I had never heard of these snails before, my husband heard the video playing and had to come and watch it too. Very cool! Glad they don't live off the new england coast :)

    -rachel w k


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!