
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Citrus

We have been going out to the groves, specifically to Reynolds Grove, to get our fresh oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit for the past nine years. Reynolds Grove is the only grove I know of locally that has Satsumas.
Satsumas are very juicy! Some say they are oranges, and some say they are tangerines. I don't care what they are, they are good! Satsumas were my dads favorite "oranges". The peel practically falls off.
Hubby prefers Satsumas too, for their easy peel-ability, and sweet juiciness.

I love my navels! They have always, and will always be my favorite orange.
Navel oranges say "Christmas" to me. I always found one in the toe of my stocking on Christmas morning.
Picking is done the old fashioned way at Reynolds Grove.
With ladders, and a tractor to haul the crates of fruit. Then they are sorted into bags in the shed.
This is a pecan tree. And another tractor. Reynolds has pecans, too!
 My son swears these pecans have a citrus taste to them, but they just taste like pecans to me.
Pecan Tree
There's still a lot of picking to do. These trees are LOADED!

We were fortunate to buy some Ponderosa Lemons, too!
Ponderosa Lemons are HUGE!
Yes, that IS a lemon! I can make 4 lemon meringue pies with just one of these beauties!
Me and Mr. Reynolds
Don't ya hate it when people take your picture while you are talking and the pic is unflattering???
Not once, but TWICE! Showing off these giant lemons is worth a little humiliation on my part! :D

We thought we had bought enough to share.....
Yeah, I already got into a bag! After dividing these up, we may have to make another trip out there! If he still has some when the grandkids come to visit, it would be fun to take them to pick straight from the trees :D

I love Reynolds Grove, and as long as he's around, we will continue to visit him right before Christmas every year!

My pecans are on my kitchen counter...and are so fresh and delish! I love to just sit down with a bowl of them and start cracking, and eating!

I also like to peel my red grapefruit just like an orange, and eat nice big chunks of it!

Christmas time is citrus time around here!

Merry Citrus!



  1. You are making my mouth water! thanks for sending me directions! Hubby says he knows how to get out if we can just find time! Otherwise...I'll have to raid your pantry! heehee! Enjoy your day! You and hubby look cute as always! ♥♥♥

  2. Yummm....sounds delicious. We've been living of tangerines for the past couple of weeks. I love this time of year and all the yummy citrus.

  3. I would love to just go walk around the grove - I can't get over the SIZE of those lemons! You should make limoncello. You also look real cute with that little hat on!

  4. Holy cow, those lemons were unreal! I've never seen such big fellas!

  5. I love going to the orange grove in my town too. They make orange ice cream & swirl it with vanilla soft serve....Oh momma! This big lemons are good for a pork marinade kinda like a Cuban mojo. I squeeze the juice into ice cube trays and zip loc bag up the cubes for lemon juice all year long. Looks like you & the hubby had a good time.

  6. Oh my, these are huge. What a great place this is!!! Lucky you! Not an unflattering pic at all..., you look cute!!

  7. Looks like you had a great day! And look at those lemons! I wish I lived where we could pick fresh citrus right off the trees. As I sit here right now I'm jealous because I am drinking an iced tea and it is missing one thing......
    Yep, I failed to pick up some lemons. I'll bet those lemons you have could flavor several pitchers of iced tea!

  8. Wow - they look gorgeous and delicious. I have the same memory about navel oranges being in the toe of my Christmas stocking! I grew up in California so maybe that's why :O)

    Merry Christmas, Del!



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