
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

O Christmas Tree

Christmas really is right around the corner now, so I thought I'd start off by sharing some pics of my tree!
I've been doing my seashell tree for 9 years...the kids have been given nearly all of the "other" ornaments. Every year I gave them each a new ornament with the understanding that these would be theirs to take with them when they had their own family.

Kandi was a major contributor to my shell ornament collection. All of the shells tied with twine were given as a gift in 2002.
There are a LOT of them! She also made my tree skirt as a gift!
It's so pretty!
I can't even imagine how many hours went into making it!

Some of my ornaments are handmade, some were gifts, some are shells, and some are things like napkin rings that I bought just for ornaments...and lighthouse name card/place card holders made terrific ornaments.
This mermaid is my newest ornament. Shae bought it in Orlando when she went to Gaylord Palms for the Polar Bear Club run around in 9 degrees surrounded by ice sculptures in a swimsuit thing last weekend! The cool little beach sign with beach bag was a recent gift also....from Momma P!

This ball has some of my seaglass in it....
as does this cute vintage bell ornament that I washed all the paint off of....

This one has some English seaglass that I bought in it.

I made a few of these ball ornaments...watery white glue and sand on the inside, and rub on appliques on the outside.
napkin ring
I painted 3 of these...all different shades of browns

It's really difficult to take pics of ornaments on a rotating/revolving tree! They come out blurry sometimes. Especially at night.
I love how the lights shine through the capiz shells...
and the urchins!
I have a variety of starfish on my tree...and this is my favorite! (sorry for the blur)

I have 2 at the top...
one on each side, and they are different kinds. They are usually lined up better!

I like to tuck shells and coral in the branches, too!

Although it's not beachy, my tree just wouldn't be complete without a Boxer ornament.

There are so many cool things on this tree that I didn't even mention!

Did you spot any of them?

Did you see my son's bald head??? LOL! (he shaves it!)

Have a Beachy Day!


I'm linking with Sally Lee By The Sea for a Coastal Christmas!


  1. a seashell tree?!? this is amazing! i love all the little nautical fun ornaments thrown in as well. i should have known, of course you'd have a shell tree lol!

  2. I LOVE your tree! Now I want one like that. Great idea. Hey, I have almost the exact same ship picture hanging on my wall in my frontroom. How weird is that?? The tree looks fab against your wall color!

  3. That is truly the most beautiful tree I've ever seen! I am amazed at all of your shell ornies..and nautical items! What a work of art! I have a post of a tree we saw this will be up tomorrow morning! They could learn from you! Hugs! ♥

  4. Wow, Del, this tree is pretty amazing and tall. Love the ornaments. The anchor is so cute and the rub ons..., awesome. And you made the little live saver rings? Adorable. I better finish decorating my trees....

  5. I ADORE YOUR TREE! I was all proud of myself for putting some of my shells on my tree this year for the first time.. but wow, my goal is to get where you are! You tree is absolutely gorgeous and I particularly love the tree skirt! What a great gift!

  6. It's amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your Coastal Christmas tree at our party this year. Your new mermaid ornament is gorgeous.

    Happy holiday hugs,

  7. amazing tree love all the shells, although I have not created a shell tree this year, I do enjoy them abround the house in dishes...great post visiting from the Coastal Linky party...


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!