
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Seashell Saturday December Edition

Hello! I've got a little something for today, this last weekend before the big holiday next weekend!

While perusing seashells on Youtube I stumbled across this back in September or October....
I've been wanting to share this ever since, but it's Christmas-y. The time has come, Christmas is near!

Beautiful lyrics, and beautiful music!

Happy Seashell Saturday!



  1. This is really sweet. Happy Seashell Saturday! XO

  2. How gorgeous! I sat down long enough to play it and now I feel all calm and happy! Thanks for sharing this, sweet friend! And enjoy your afternoon! The sunshine is so nice today...warming! ♥♥♥

  3. WOW!!!
    what a beautiful song!!
    Listened to it twice...
    just to make sure of the words..
    thanks for sharing!!
    now I'm gonna share with my sister!!
    warmest hugs..

  4. That was beautiful! Thanks for sharing the video with us. It was a beautiful song with beautiful pictures and video. So perfect to enjoy after the past several busy days.


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!