
Friday, December 9, 2011

White Rainbow?

Have you ever seen a white rainbow?
That may somehow be an oxymoron.
White Rainbow???
I snapped these with my phone Wednesday morning. Kyle (my son) explained why we were seeing it white, and not in color....he's quite the savant....and he uses enormous words. Apparently if we were on the other side of it with the sun shining through it we would have seen the colors. But since the sun was behind us, and the "rainbow" in front of us...we saw it without the color. Another version, depending on other scientific things, is that it is a Fogbow. Now, that is my version of the scientific speak Kyle explained it in....It isn't a Moonbow, because the moon wasn't shining through it, as far as I could tell. But it was foggy, and it really did appear to be a concentration of fog in an arc. It was so cool!

I guess this is our version of a white Christmas! Instead of snow we get white rainbows!

Have you ever seen a white rainbow?

Have a Wonderful Weekend!


  1. WOW! You took an amazing photo! Well...on the same day I saw something that looked like a dark blue rainbow. I didn't know what I was looking at but now that I see your white one, I remembered seeing a dark blue arch that afternoon when I went to Kohl's. Ask your son about that! Amazing! I'm showing your photos to hubby now! Have a good day sweet Della! ♥

  2. That is so cool! I've never heard of a white rainbow. Now I need to be on the lookout for all types of rainbows. :)

  3. That is so cool! I've never heard of a white rainbow. Now I need to be on the lookout for all types of rainbows. :)

  4. I've never seen a white rainbow and that is so cool. I think rainbows are good luck, so a white rainbow must REALLY be good luck!

  5. I never knew that! How interesting! Also, thank you Della for the info about blogger and emailing.. I think I fixed the problem. I am still trying to figure this whole blogger thing out! Thanks again!

  6. Great pictures! I love seeing rainbows, we get a lot of them her in Florida, but I have not seen a white rainbow yet. Very interesting!
    Take Care, Jen

  7. Great pictures! I love seeing rainbows, we get a lot of them her in Florida, but I have not seen a white rainbow yet. Very interesting!
    Take Care, Jen

  8. Wow, it is a white rainbow!!! I think it means "peace" to you!!

  9. I immediately thought "mist bow"..., fog..., I agree. But hey, I'm NOT a scientist. It's beautiful. Do I need to know more?

  10. I have never seen a white rainbow. Beautiful pictures. Isn't technology great because we can capture these moments any time!

  11. Its beautiful!!! Love it. So nice you were able to capture it on film. Now we can all experience it!! XO


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