
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

It really is upon us, 2012 is here!
I said goodbye to the old year, with someone near and dear.
You see, New Year's Eve is special to me...
we celebrate with a birthday tree!
This is a tradition I started long ago,
to make a little girls birthday special
so she would always know
Just how much she meant to us
and so New Year's wouldn't steal her show.
My darling daughter Kandi turned 30 yesterday,
and it just wouldn't have been the same without her birthday tree!

Happy New Year!!!


  1. What a fun idea and a great way to always make her feel special. Happy birthday Kandi!

  2. That is really sweet! A birthday tree, I love that idea! Happy New Year!!!!

  3. Thats a cute tradtion and it's really that you still keep it going after all the years.

  4. Happy Birthday Kandi! I hope you are having a special birthday...I know your mom has been SO excited about you coming to visit! We have lots of birthdays right around the holidays so I know how it is to have your birthday present wrapped in Christmas paper...or worse still..a combination Christmas and BD present! heehee! HAVE FUN! ♥♥♥

  5. That is such a terrific idea and beautifully made tree! Thank you for sharing!

  6. This is so sweet. Very thoughtful tradition you started. Happy New Year Della. Hope your 2012 is awesome.

  7. What a great tradition and what a beautiful tree! And a Happy Birthday wish to your beautiful daughter too!

  8. That is the coolest thing! Being an after Christmas baby, I can't tell you how many presents I got that said Merry Christmas and Happy birthday. Good for you for making it be special. My daughter turned 29 in Nov. How did our children get older and we didn't, LOL?!

  9. Your daughter looks very pretty! Love the tree. Cheers


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