
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pound Cake and Jammer Panties

I hope you all had a sweet Valentine's Day!

I sure did! I opted to avoid a crowded restaurant, and made dinner at home, with dessert! I had a few errands to run, so I made a pound cake....

to cut into cubes, and dip in chocolate. Along with bananas, strawberries, and cookies. The chocolate dipped strawberries and bananas were my favorite, (sorry I didn't get pics of everything), but the pound cake was really good, too.  My hubby is such a chocolate fiend, that we he has a chocolate melting pot. I think I bought it for him last Valentine's Day.

I have been absent minded this week, and forgot to mention that Shae had a bout on Sunday. It was really good! She got to JAM for the first time!!!!

She did awesome, and scored like 4 points! It was the last jam of the bout, and her very first time as a jammer. She is the one wearing the green "hat" with a black star on it (and hauling @ss around the track!) It (the hat) slips over their helmet, and is called the JAMMER PANTY

I have also been remiss in not mentioning that I won another blog giveaway. DaCraftyLady, also known as Crochetaholic, makes various crochet items. I won a pair of her oh so neat and kitschy earrings in my fave color!
This is actually not a good picture. The color is off. Purple is the hardest color to photo. Really. These are actually more of a grape, or eggplant, a really pretty color. My picture doesn't do them justice! They look violet to me in this pic.
I actually just found out that she awarded me with a Versatile Blogger Award, like that one over there somewhere--------->
Thanks Debb! I guess I am a versatile blogger! LOL
A little of this, a little of that.....

I have a new petition in my sidebar---------> To put funding back into the Everglades. Florida is not, and cannot BE  Florida without the Everglades! Talk about screwing up the ecosystem!

Okay, I am off to do Etsy stuff, take some pics, and maybe make something....
and then start packing.

I'm going to the BEACH!


  1. My goodness you are one busy lady lately! Congrats on the giveaway win and how wonderful on the award. You deserve it. I forgot how exciting roller derby can be!

  2. Busy indeed! That pound cake looks wonderful!

  3. You're going WHERE! Oh, I'm so happy! You'll have such fun! Find the prettiest shells on the beach, my friend! Talk to you when you get back! HUGS! ♥♥♥

  4. First, congratulations on your winning the giveaway! Those earrings are beautiful.

    I am still drooling while I'm thinking about your dessert! Pound cake and chocolate!

    Have fun at the beach!

  5. Have fun at the beach Della....and pick up a couple of shells for me!!
    I'm so glad to see you win stuff on the giveaways you deserve it!

  6. The pound cake looks tasty and I love those earrings. I've always wanted to learn how to crochet earrings like that.

  7. Have fun at the beach! Does your daughter ever travel to Bradenton for matches there?


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