
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Loads of Buttercups

I finally got around to sorting those shells, and what a massive pile it was.

I figured I had at least 100 Buttercups. I was waaaaaaaaaaay off!

How about over 100 off....

Like, um.....287 Buttercups. I counted twice! That doesn't include the really bad broken ones that I tossed in a flower pot, either.

I also have a bunch of  different types of Tellins, including Atlantic Tellins. They are a really cool shell. Really thin, and it looks bent. I didn't get any pics of you will see them in something I've made one of these days. One of the Atlantic Tellins is a bit thicker than normal, or normal from what I've seen, and will make a nice necklace.

You may remember seeing the exoskeleton of a horseshoe crab a couple of posts ago. Hubby found the lil guy on Caladesi, and the birds had picked him clean. A bunch of sand and junk had washed up into his cavity, and started coming out while I was washing him.
 .....along with this little cutie!
 Isn't it darling?!

I'm just glad to have the first 3 cleanings finished!
My awesome piece of coral!
These Olive shells are HUGE!
Love these little Whelks and this small Banded Tulip!
I've been watching too much American Pickers....I started calling my mini shells my "smalls". Hahaa!
 The really tiny shells totally fascinate me!

Coastal towns use shells and shell crush in place of mulch. I caught this olive out of the corner of my eye walking through the parking lot after dinner one night.
It's a little beat up, but still has some shine to it.

I have been working on some of those projects I have been wanting to finish. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment to be checking them off my list.

I had a custom order recently to create a necklace. It was fun, and I love doing custom orders!

I also had my first International order!!!! I've sent to Canada before, but that's still in North America. I've sent to Hawaii a few times also, but that is part of the United States regardless of the fact that it's across the Pacific. This time I sent something to SPAIN!!!! Del's Shells goes global! WooHoo!

Now, back to those projects!


  1. I love the buttercups - they are so pretty. You got some nice shells there.

  2. I looked at the photos to see if I recognize the buttercups! They are beautiful! And you got a nice variety of shells. I played with some of mine today, putting them on a big platter. You can never have too many shells! lol Big hugs, my friend! ♥

  3. Those buttercups are soooo pretty! And congrats on your first international order!

  4. I love those whelks and the banded tulip! And yes, what a great piece of coral!! Such treasures!

  5. Oh my gosh, all those shells! The smalls are precious. Whoot whoot, global Della! Very exciting!


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