
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Little Details & Big Secrets

Can you believe it's nearly the end of the week? I can't!
This week has flown by~

First, I'd like to welcome my new followers! I hope you have some fun and laughs here, and maybe see something you'd like to make, or somewhere you'd like to visit...even if it is through pictures!

I've been wanting to make some muslin, organza, and velvet bags. I have the materials. I haven't made the time. I recently had a guy order a guy necklace and throw me into panic mode over only having organza bags to put it in. I had just come from my *doctors office* (more about this end of post!) to discover an order....and it was Monday, one of my definite shipping days. I HAD to ship it out, and the post office was getting ready to close. EEEK!

I quickly whipped out my idea of what I wanted in a little bag, and handstamped it.
It's not perfect. Can you see where I smudged the ink before it dried? I need Stayz On ink, or a bottle of hairspray. I think I'm going to go pick up the ink pad. But it's! yes?! More of these are on my project list!!! And black satin lined velvet bags for pearl necklaces.

I've been working on my actual package, too.
I've been doing this for a month or so~
Since I changed my shop name to Del's Shells, I changed my business name too. It's been in the works for a while. It's officially Della's Designs. I received my certificate from the state last week, and I've been dieing to tell you!

Anyway, since I changed my shop name, I needed new business cards. I created one using a pic I had taken of a necklace I made that is one of my faves, and added my info via GIMP, saved, and emailed it to our local printer.
I really, really like my new packaging! And with custom bags, it's another little touch that makes the package as a whole just a little more special. So whether it's a gift for someone else, or a little present to yourself, it will have that handmade feel, and attention to detail. The little touches.

Now, I just may continue to purchase the organza bags. I forgot just how much of a (insert cuss word here) organza is to work with. I hadn't made anything with that stuff since mid 2008. But I'm stubborn enough (maybe? used to be! hopefully still am) to continue working with it until I can pop those bags out lickity split. We will see....but in reality I don't have the time to play around with it. I have a To Do list a mile long, or at least it feels that way now. It is getting shorter though, as I check off each item.

No new pics of ME to post yet....truly sorry! Just one of those weeks. BUSY!

So, I had an appointment on Monday with my nephrologist. Most of my levels are within range. YEAH!
A few are below and above normal. My platelets are one of the low ones, which isn't good, and explains my excessive bruising. Some med changes may be in order, as I have some mild disease activity showing up. I'm gonna be okay, though :D

Remember I mentioned some secrets? Well, my business name change, and things pertaining to it...packaging, cards, bags were some of those secrets.

A really big secret I've been keeping, even from most of our family, is hubby's recent stay in the hospital.
He had a couple of heart attacks within days of each other. Fortunately they weren't BIG ones, big enough his levels were still detectable a week after... but he does need to slow down, eat healthier, and reduce stress...which is easier said than done. I feed him healthy meals at home. What he eats, or IF he eats during the day is another story. And he has a terrible chocolate addiction. He's also a workaholic. He always has been. I am grateful to have such a wonderful, hard working man! I just wish he knew when to call it a day!
Here he is writing payroll checks in the hospital. I told you he doesn't stop!

So that is what has been going on around here. Well, SOME of what has been going on!

Did I mention I could use about 6 more hands?


  1. Wow-lot's going on with you. Glad you are ok for now. Love the bags! Hope your hubby gets better-he needs to relax.

  2. I absolutely love the blue ribbon and stamp. Perfect color! The whole package with the ribbon and attached business card is gorgeous. Glad your husband is ok, but keep on him. And you need to take care of yourself as well. Sounds like a real flurry of activity over there.

  3. The packaging is really beautiful. Love the stamp and I really love the blue color you chose. One of these days I'm going to order something from you!!

  4. You sure do need more hands. I'm sorry about your husband's health troubles. That must be scary for you both. I hope that he is feeling better. Changing habits can be so difficult.

    By the by, love the bag the new packaging and cards. Simple, elegent, are so talented!

  5. Wow. You are a busy bee Della. So sorry to hear about your health issues. Wishing you and your hubby the best. I love the new packaging. You are definitely talented. Happy Easter

  6. I love your new designs and know you've been really busy lately. I hope your hubby will try to take it easy but it's probably a busy time for him with work now and I know how hard it is to get a hubby to slow down! Enjoy the holiday weekend, my friend!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!