
Monday, April 9, 2012

My Music Monday

Hello, and happy Monday to you all!

I thought I would start something new, and lets hope I remember to post weekly until it becomes routine.

My music tastes vary greatly, and I like a little of just about everything. I grew up listening to a great variety of tunes, from the real oldies, some country, to some real old rock n roll, and I know I wasn't the only little girl to have a crush on Elvis, and Donny Osmond.

I discovered Shawn Mullins in the late 90's, and have been hooked on Shawn ever since. He's been around longer than that, (he started in 90) and has cut many albums. (do they still call it cutting an album?) My favorite Shawn albums are Soul's Core, Beneath the Velvet Sun, and 9th Ward Pickin' Parlor. I was very fortunate to catch him as the opening act to the Gin Blossoms at The House of Blues in Orlando a few years ago. I would call his style "story telling songs".

I have many favorite songs from him, and I could post a song from a favorite artist or band everyday and not run out of tunes to post for years. Shawn's music alone would take a year of Mondays for me to post.

So, without further ado, the first song I heard by Shawn Mullins.

This is the song I played bringing Gwynie home from the hospital when she was a wee babe :D

Have you heard of Shawn before?


  1. This is my first listen - very pleasant :)

  2. I don't think I've heard of him but I would love to listen to some of his music. We're on a slower connection here so I may have to wait until we get back. I'm like you...I like a lot of different music. Enjoy your week, my friend!

  3. I'm like you, I like everything from classic rock, to pop, to my personal favorite...the blues.

    Yes, Shawn Mullins is one of my favorites. I love voices like his because as soon as you hear the song, you know who the artist is. He has an original sound.

    And yes, that song is on my MP3 player which I don't listen to with headphones, but I plug into the speakers in my craft room.


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!