
Friday, April 27, 2012

Sunshine & Seashells

Before we get into necklaces, I want to show you what's going on in the pond we put in last year!
Remember when it looked like this?
and then this?
and then the volunteer ferns popped up between the rocks?
Well those ferns have grown so much! and my Louisiana Iris is blooming this year!
So Pretty!
I am having a battle with algae right now, but it should be clear in a few more days at the most. I Hope.
But, check out those ferns! How cool is that?!?! I am so happy with my pond! These pics are unedited. Check out the sunshine!

I also have some volunteer berries growing!
I have been pulling what looks like blackberry starts for several years. They just keep popping up in the north flower bed. Last year I decided to leave one and see what happened. This year I have berries, and several new starts.
See all of the little stick like starts around the poinsettia? I'm leaving them. I want to see just what they are going to do over the next few years, and if they get to be too much, then I will yank them. It would be awesome to make my own jam from these freebie berries though.
Thank you to the birds that pooped these seeds in my flower bed (and around it)!

Nature is wonderful!

Okay, how to segway into jewelry after that? Hmmmm.

Nature is wonderful in producing things we can create with!
Like this Heart Cockle Necklace!
I used all sterling components with this pretty shell :)
Right down to the heart shaped bail I attached to the back.
That pearl really is that dark purple! Very nice dye job on these!
I sure need to get a better close up of the bead cap on the pearl. It's a really pretty and delicate filigree.

I've been wanting to do a Periwinkle Shell necklace, too. It almost matches the earrings I made a little while ago.
They look so good with gunmetal.
The gunmetal brings out the blue gray in the shell! I used a dark metal blue peacock pearl and black diamond crystal for the drop.
I also added one to the back :D

The earrings have greige crystals.
 You can find the earrings here in my Etsy shop!

The necklaces will be listed soon!

Elegant seashell necklaces coming up next!

Now, about that pond.....

Have a great Friday!


  1. The cockle necklace is gorgeous! I want your pond!!!!

  2. Your pond is fantastic!! That must be so much fun :) Nature certain is cool - you are so blessed to have berries growing. That's one thing I'm really looking forward to doing once we buy a house (berry bushes) Nothing like fresh berries!

  3. Your necklaces are beautiful as are those earrings below.

    I'm jealous of your pond. I was telling Brian how I'd love to put one in the back of the property. I would love, love, love that!

  4. Oh the heart shaped shell is beautiful and makes such a lovely necklace! Love the pool -- and the berries!

  5. The pond is so beautiful and the plants have really taken off this year! Love the heart shaped shell necklace...I think it's already sold now! Enjoy your day and the wonderful sunshine!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!