
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cupcakes & Cannibals

Thank you all for the birthday wishes for Laci!

We usually go shopping and do lunch, but this year we did something different. Laci totally celebrated her birthday in true adult fashion, and had a job interview. (She got it!)

and then we grabbed a bit of breakfast, and stopped to get a few things for dinner.

Lace made lemon cupcakes....

and opened her gifts after dinner. Here she is with a wristlet from Diane's Dream Designs. It's so pretty, and in Laci colors!
See how cute it is?! My pics don't do it justice of course....I photo jewelry, not handbags.

I had Jennifer from Blue Wave Glass make her this mosaic pendant.
So cute, and so Laci!
And for her Big gift from mom and dad, she is looking at skates and derby equipment. We may have another Cannibal around here soon!

And....speaking of the Cannibals, here is a little clip I shot at the bout Sunday.

I'm working on putting all of my clips together in movie maker. I have some great footage of Shae jammin'!
I did get a few pics, too.
 They won the bout! 326 to 80!!!!! WOOOOO Go Cannibals! The next home bout is the end of May and I can't wait!

Now that I'm almost recovered from the last few days (LOL), I'll be back to blogging jewelry asap. And I've been collecting pics of weird Florida bugs for a few years and am thinking "You gotta see this"!


  1. I'm glad to hear she had such a nice day. Tell her congrats on the job!

  2. Happy Birthday Laci! sound like you had a wonderful day...wish I had been there! You sure look beautiful, Laci, on your special day! I'm sending wishes for a great year ahead and I'll give you the birthday hugs when I get back! HAVE FUN, sweet girl! And get some rest, Mom Della! I don't want to hear that you have skates, too! heehee!

  3. I'd say getting a job is a great birthday gift .. What's she going to be doing?

  4. Happy happy belated birthday Laci! May all your cannibal dreams come true. Lemon cupcakes - YUMM!

  5. Oh I'm an absolute cupcake adict - just seeing that picture makes me want to make some. MMMmmmmm Cupcakes!!!!!


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