
Monday, May 14, 2012

Music Monday

I hope you all had a terrific weekend and a wonderful Mother's Day!

When I was a kid, one of the weekend highlights, believe it or not, was The Lawrence Welk Show.

I think it came on Sunday evenings.
Typically, big band music is boring to most kids, but my absolute favorite was Baby Elephant Walk. You just can't help but to get a spring in your step while listening to it.

If you've never heard it, you are in for a treat. If you have, then you will enjoy reminiscing with me.

Love that tune! 

And of course, the closing song of every show~

Did you watch Lawrence Welk?


  1. Well that was a fun post. We always watched Lawrence Welk too. I loved Bobby Burgess and the Lennon Sisters. A one and a two.....

  2. I've watched an episode or two as an adult. There is something oddly comforting and relaxing about it. :) Have you seen the SNL spoofs of it?

  3. oh my I sure do love the Lawrence Welk show...I remember it mom always watched it.... fun post..~~Dacraftylady~~

  4. No, I actually don't watch TV...:) We have decided some time ago that TV takes too much of family time, so we stopped watching it and don't regret it at all: we have such a great time with people we love!

  5. Well...I started to skip this one! heehee! My grandmother lived next door and she always watched it but we tried to avoid her house when it was on. It wasn't our favorite. I liked rock and roll. I'm surprised you can remember it...I think you're too young! I'm loving this series, my friend! It's fun!


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