
Friday, June 29, 2012

Coastal to Tropical The Finale

Hello! I can't believe I'm doing this post! I have to pinch myself :O

Back in September I decided to change my surroundings a little. You may remember Part 1 and Part 2.

A month or so ago hubby and I were out running some errands, and he asked if I wanted to go look at some furniture. Well, OF COURSE I WOULD! I found my dream furniture. And I really thought I would HAVE to be dreaming to see THAT in my home. A couple of weeks ago, we were out running errands on that side of town again, and he asked if I wanted to take another look at THAT furniture. "Sure honey, I'll just drool and dream a little bit more".

I think I have the best hubby in the world!
My pics don't do it justice. Really. It's beautiful aqua leather!
Please excuse hubby's Reese's wrapper under the couch....I just noticed it....and he has an addiction.

I have never had more comfortable furniture in my life! And I love how it POPS with my walls!
I hung the grandkids pics here in the frames I made by my antique dolly.
We also have a new was a freebie!

These pics are washed out from the flash I guess. I never said I was a great photographer LOL!
My coconuts and starfish at each side of the window....
and my shadow boxes are above the window.
My seashell lamps (and one of my custom made coasters from Karen!)
I made this platter....the class was a Mother's Day gift from Shae in 2005 from a place called Do Art!
I may will probably move my plates to over the aquarium, and my ocean painting back to the dining room.
A better picture of my FREE door. Thanks Josh!
 My best buddy!

He prefers to be at least this close to me at all times! I couldn't leave his cute face out!

And this..... this is hubby's weekly stash of goodies, and doesn't include what he buys while away from the house each day while working!!!! I told you he had an addiction. Now you see why there was a wrapper under my couch I didn't notice!!!!!

Okay, back to the subject.

Nearly everything in my home is handmade, a gift, or a handmade gift. I actually have very few decor items that I purchased myself. I really am a simple gal, but I sure do like some pretty things.

And I do love my new FURniture! Thanks honey!


  1. How awesome is that-love aqua, never seen a leataher chouch though. Now it looks like a home in Key West. Good job

  2. That looks really beautiful. Love your decorating style. And you DO have a wonderful hubby. He deserves a big bowl of peanut butter cups next to his end of the sofa!

  3. Oh Della! It really is perfect for your decor! And you've done so much to put the perfect touches with your shells and beachy treasures. This will be furniture that you can really enjoy for years to come! I'm so happy for you! How exciting to have it all come together. And I love your beautiful floors! WOW!

  4. The new furniture is fabulous! What a great hubby! You have done such a great job with all the decor.

  5. How awesome! I don't think we have aqua leather furniture up here in CT. IT's perfectly beachy for you, and...well...I wish I could complement my style with a stash of Reese's but I'm having trouble enough with the jellybeans I got this week. They don't do well in this heat, no wonder they offer them in the spring!

  6. Love your new furniture, Della. I didn't know they made leather in that looks so great with the walls! I had to laugh when you said your hubby is addicted to Reeses...mine is, too. Every now and again I find one he's hidden in the back of the freezer so no one else will eat it. Men! ... Enjoy the new furniture!

  7. how lovely is your room!! the colors and fun details are fabulous!!
    I have a stash too..and it always includes swedish fish.
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  8. Wow, your furniture does look great indeed. I can only imagine how comfortable it is! Enjoy it! :)

  9. your dog is so cute!. I just want to squish his face. The new furniture looks great. I love new furniture. It's like you got a new home! Pretty color too.

  10. Love the furniture! It looks perfect. Love the color. My husband works at the steel mill and their contract is up in October. If all goes well and they don't strike, we are treating ourselves to some new chairs too. We're putting off a lot of purchases until then.

    Yours looks great and is making me excited for ours!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!