
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Family Time is the BEST Time!

Hello! I have had a great two week vacation visiting with my family!

I don't even know where to begin.

For one thing, I am surprised the kids aren't permanent prunes from spending so much time in the pool and in the ocean! Brady is an Aquarius, so it's only natural for him to love the water.
Gwynie made a friend....
and they were practically inseparable....
We visited our local Nature Park.
They really enjoyed the glass bottom boats!
and hanging out with the wildlife...
They built sandcastles....
and enjoyed the sunshine...
We hit both frozen yogurt shops in town, and voted MyMochi the best!
They got to see egrets up close!
this guy hung around our hotel room for 2 days with some of his buddies.
he was much taller than he looks here....and when facing you head on, they can shift their eyes forward and look straight at you. Wish I had a pic of that!

We had a lot of fun on the beach!
And Gwynie was bitten by the shelling bug, and had shelling fever! She found lots of jingles and decided they were her favorite, and she was the Jingle Queen.
Bree and Zach loved having kids in the house!
and are missing them almost as much as I am.

A major highlight for G'ma and G'pa was watching Brady wrestle in a tournament in Kissimmee!
He took home the Gold in Freestyle, and the Bronze in Folkstyle!
His dad is a great coach!

Gramma and Grampa enjoyed the kids...
and we found all kinds of cool shells and sponges.

Hubby/G'pa even found this cool blue sponge that matches Brado's mohawk!
It was so easy to spot Brady on the beach amongst all the other kids with that blue mohawk!!!
It faded out after being in the pool, but was still quite blue by the 2nd beach trip.

We also got to all go to see Shae/Millitant Bulstrode in a derby bout....but I dropped my camera and broke it...big sad face :(
Fortunately she has the same camera as I do, I mean did....and I can use hers until I get a new one.

The evening before they headed back to Utah, the family got together for a new family photo.
We had to include Bree and Zach...after all, they are family too!

But DANG I miss Kandi, Jake, Gwyn, and Brady!

Time to submerge myself in work.

See you again soon!


  1. The kids are adorable and it looks like everyone enjoyed their trip. I didn't realize they lived so far away. :-( Love the family photos. You look radiant!

  2. Looks like y'all had a great time!

    My cousin has season passes to Silver Springs, she takes her daughter all the time.

    The beach pics make me jealous...can't wait to be back at the beach!

  3. You sure have a beautiful family! And I know everyone loves to visit have SO much fun! I would like to come to visit for a couple of weeks! heehee! Happy times...and wonderful memories! I've missed you! We'll get together soon! I'm sure your tan is better than mine though!lol

  4. I bet you do miss them - I get sad every time I leave my niece. She is 3-1/2 and I can just watch her every move and be content. Luckily I get to spend a week with her on Sanibel every year. Just booked our October trip yesterday!! WOHOOO.
    Her father and I go to Oregon for a week on the 23rd of this month. We aren't taking her cause I imagine we will be in the car a lot!! Not much fun for her. I will finally have something to blog about!! lol

  5. Looks like you all had a great time :)You have such a beautiful family!

    Hope your body cooperated.

  6. So glad you all had fun and didn't have to pay an arm and a leg at the nature park--ha ha!

  7. It looks like you had a good time! The pictures of the beach look great!

  8. Thanks for sharing your family time with us. You have a beautiful family and it looks like you all had the best time! You've actually got me crying happy tears because my kids will be here in two weeks and I'll get my special time then!

    Brave young one you have there! I actually love pythons.


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!