
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Beachy Office Accessories

It's time to get back to work, and since I enjoy my work so much you know I don't mind ;)
Keeping my hands busy is good for my mind as well as my soul.

Some of you go to the office for work, and wear name badges, or ID cards. If you have the type that needs to be swiped to gain access to an area or a register, these badge reels would come in handy.
These are sun and moon shells.
This shell is slightly larger
than this one.
They can clip on your shirt to use stationary
or clip on your belt or pocket. They are retractable! Badge+Reel!

I also made a mini puffy sand dollar badge reel ;)
Now you can let your beachy personality shine at the work place, too!

For office or home use, I have a new style of bookmarks.
Large paper clip style bookmarks are so cool, and won't break the binding on your book.
Also in a puffy sand dollar...
and a starfish, too.

Perfect for saving a page, but you could clip papers together, too.

I love the size of these! Nice and big...much larger than an ordinary paper clip.

What kind of office accessories are you in need of?


  1. What a great idea...very unique and needed! I love that little starfish clip! I hope you have a good day and feel good, too! Sweet hugs, Diane

  2. Now those are 2 excellent ideas. I like both of them. How about shells attached to a business card holder that sits on your desk?

  3. Nw that how an office should roll. I would have loved that retractable deal for my keys when I was at Lowe's.

  4. I love those giant clips! I love anything beachy. Living in land-locked Missouri and dreaming of the sea. Saw you at Life in Rehab and I'm joining in the Great Glitzy Hack Off. Should be fun! Following you via GFC for even more inspiration!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!