
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I love going over to Daytona once in awhile, and since The Cannibals had a bout over there this past weekend, Papa and Mama Bulstrode (hubby and I) took off for the east coast.
This is the bridge that goes over the Oklawaha that I mentioned in my last post. See the little side road over there? That goes over to the boat basin, or Ray Wayside Park where we launch our boat to cruise the Silver River.
 A road trip to the beach isn't complete without a fresh bag of hot boiled peanuts! MMMMMMM!

We travel state road 40E all the way to the beach. It ends right at A1A in Ormond Beach.
A right turn and a couple of miles and we are in Daytona!

On the way to the bout, I saw this sign....
Beach St. is NOT near the beach!

The bout was intense and my daughter Shae Militant Bulstrode was a Jammer a few times, did some blocking, and was also Pivot.
Here's my girl in the green tights!

and here!

Blocking here...

and Pivot here.

You don't even want to see ALL of my derby pics of her. There are a bunch!

Erin Go Brawl, Militant Bulstrode, and Lil Looney
Shae Militant was awarded MVP for best Pivot, Loony for best Jammer, and Erin for best Blocker!
See the sign behind them that says "Sin Bin"? That is the penalty box. Sintral Florida Derby Demons call their penalty box the Sin Bin lol. It was a tough bout, and Sintral won with a score of 148 to 68. Those chicks are fast, and they start in a junior roller derby league when they are little girls! It was FUN though!

After the bout, we skipped the after party and went to dinner :)

There are hotels in Daytona that are still under construction several years after the hurricanes wiped them out.
Like this one....
I'm amazed these buildings are still in shambles, but some have been completely torn down the damage was so severe.

We decided to just stay the night.....
and enjoyed sunrise along with our morning coffee.

I love how the buildings are reflected in the wet sand. I remember when there weren't any high rises on Daytona Beach.

 Now it's time for Dave -N- Del to get back to work!


  1. Looks like a fun trip! Wish I could fly down for a peek! (I guess you didn't find anything on the beach?)

  2. I have never been to Florida except to jump on a cruise ship once. It's so beautiful and I love your pictures! I've never had hot boiled peanuts either! Where have I been???!!

  3. Looks like a beautiful place - and I bet lots of fun :) Well deserved I'd say.

  4. I'm glad you got to stay overnight. Nothing like getting your toes in that warm surf! Sure is a beautiful photo of you! Hope you're having a good day! Sweet hugs!

  5. Still romantic after all these years! Glad you had a nice trip!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!