
Friday, August 17, 2012

A Peek Inside

I promised you all a look into my crafty space.... and even though I didn't lift a finger to tidy up, I'm going to show it to you. I can promise you it's a mess in here right now. The rug needs to be vacuumed, and some things need put away, but oh well. It is what it is.

My crafty space takes up over half of my garage. I have screen door sliders once you roll back the big garage door, and I intended to open it up yesterday and let some light in. Yesterday was one of those days. I was almost late for my doctors appointment, was starving by the time I got out of there, and was besieged by the dogs when I got home. I also had my 90 pound granddog (he's not a puppy anymore!) So, with 3 full grown Boxers, and a year old dachshund, my hands were pretty full. And they all wanted cookies (milk bones) when I got home!  And attention!

Sooooooo you get to see my our crafty space in all it's messy glory!

This is Shae's side....sewing and embroidery machines. We fight over the cutting table. She says it's not a light box table lol.

This is MY space!

Hubby's laptop is at the other end of my space.

I told you it was messy in here! But these are things I'm working on, and can't just put them away.

I love the quote Laci wrote on my dry erase board..."When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt it!"

I store all of my finished jewelry in plastic jewelry bags, and hang them in their spot. I have over 150 finished items hanging here! They take up very little space when done this way. The big post office box is a package I'm putting together for my oldest daughter and my grand kids. Hopefully mailing that today!

This is my shell shelf! And yes, I reuse coffee, icecream, sugar substitute, and drink mix containers. At least they aren't in the land fill! My lightbox is on the top of the shelf for lack of a safer place to put it.

I also mark the shells by name/kind and where we found them :)

I still have this entire bucket from last weekend to sort through and put in containers.

This big nice tool box is where I keep my silver and gold plated findings, copper and brass/bronze. The sterling silver and 14k gold have their own box. I used to have my plated findings in a much smaller tool box, but I had to go to a larger box recently. So many findings!

Beads, beads, beads....and pearls, and more findings!

I love my crafty space, even in all it's messiness. I will have to clean up before I do that "About Page" for Etsy! If I ever get around to it.

We'll do this again when this place is tidy.....maybe in the year 2020 ....just kidding. LOL. I hope it doesn't take me that long to get things situated where I want them! We are always doing something to improve this room, and only recently moved Shae's machines to the other side. We still have a ways to go to make it perfect for the both of us....but it has come a long way.

Can you tell we stay busy in here?


  1. You have an amazing work space! I dream of cabinets in my craft room someday! And a light box! Thanks for sharing your creative space!

  2. Well that was really fun to see. You are so organized. And you have so much stuff. I don't know how you keep track of it all. The tool boxes are genius! No wonder you're so creative, you've made yourself a wonderful little work space. Thanks for the fun tour!

  3. You have a wonderful space to create! And you are so organized! Better check my pockets before I leave when I come to visit! You might be missing some of those little bags...and a few things out of that big bucket! heehee! I love Laci's work space, too! Very nice to have room to spread out and really see what you've got!

  4. What a great space! I say the only clean space is an unused space - so glad you are using your space :)

  5. I love your work space and happen to think you are quite organized and tidy I especially like the reuse of empty containers I try to find a use for all of mine too. Lol.

  6. Awesome place to get creative. You have some organizational skills girl! I hate it when I am making something & I can't find the piece I need.

  7. It's so interesting to see how people organize their creative spaces, all the different ideas people come up with. Looks like you've got a great system, Del!

  8. I love your creative space! When I'm in the middle of a project, the only stuff I put away are thread and needles because I don't want Punkie to get to them. Everything else, stays as is.

    Looks like you have a lot of great things going on in there. I love all those shells!

  9. Hi Della!
    Your space is wonderful! You are so organized!!! I love it!
    Thank you so much for your sweet comment! It really means a lot to me. It was my goal for this year, to get a "job" and get into a Stampington publication. I have achieved them both! I guess I have to make new goals for the rest of the year. Maybe a second job and another Stampington pub????
    You are very dear to me my friend! Thank you so much!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!