
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nifty Friends, and Thrifty Finds

Yesterday I played hooky. I did!

.....and met up with my very good friend and blog buddy Diane, from Lavender Dreams! The definition of nifty is attractively stylish, and Diane most certainly is!

She surprised me with lunch at her house, and she makes an awesome grilled cheese! Did I get pictures of her making lunch? NO! I wish I had....I don't know where my brain was yesterday.

We exchanged some things...Diane makes handbags, wristlets, and totes. You can find them here! She sure does make pretty purses!

We had so much fun doing a little shopping at the bead shop (I did buy some beads and stuff!) and went to her favorite thrift store, too. I found some really neat things that are perfect for my home.

I think I'll put my tea bags in this seashell. Can you believe it was only $3? It was half price day for anything $5 and up. What a deal!

This seashell and net plate will find a home somewhere, and probably with shells on it.
This was a dollar!

These little blue starfish bowls were just too cute to pass up, and have such pretty detail.

The pair of them was just under $4. I'm sure glad Diane introduced me to the Hospice Thrift Store!
As many times as I've been to the bead shop, I hadn't ever ventured over to it, and it's just a few stores away.

It's fun to meet up, do lunch, and shop with blog buddies! This was the 2nd time Diane and I have gone shopping together, and she is so much fun :D

Have you met any of your blogger friends?


  1. Looks like a fun day! not to mention some great finds! I have been lucky enough to meet one blog friend...but hope to meet some more!

  2. Love the picture of the 2 of you together. Love your thrift shop finds - such good deals. It's always fun to meet blogger friends. I've met 4 and I hope YOU are next!

  3. We sure had fun and I'm glad we came home for was simple but good. And of course I love all of your thrift finds. Those little starfish dishes are just the cutest! You did'll have to come back to go 'thrifting'! Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  4. Fun to see you girls together!! And great finds!!

  5. Sounds like you both had a blast of a day! And what incredible finds! I love thrift stores. By the way, Della, I just bought my little Everglades bro a ceramic alligator soap dish at the St. Vincent DePaul's up at the lake. LOL

  6. Great post Della, you and Dianne look lovely on that photo! I wish I could be invited to lunch too... :)
    All your finds are so beautiful and right up my alley: I love everything nautical, marine, sea related!

  7. Look at you too rocking your shell jewelry. I visit Diane's blog too. She does make the cutest bags. I LOVE all your thrifty finds. Girl, you did good! Wish I were there!!

  8. What a fun day! Looks like you found some great things for your house too. I also checked out her blog. Her zipper bags are adorable! Those are my newest addiction.


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