
Friday, September 14, 2012

A Dark Seashell Necklace Just for HIM

I can't believe it's really Friday. This week seemed to go by rather slow for me...or maybe I'm just moving slower and doing less after last weekend???? Or maybe what I've done the last few weeks has finally caught up with me?! Oh well, I sure have had fun!

This new necklace was made for men, but maybe some women would like it as well.

This is a Bat Volute Shell. They come in a wide range of colors and patterns from very light, to very dark like this one.

It was the color of this shell that drew me to it. It's a manly looking shell, plain and simple.

The aperture of this shell has a little hint of orange at the end!

This dark beauty hangs from black leather, between silver tube beads, and is finished with solid cord ends and a lobster clasp.

This just may be my favorite guy necklace so far!

On another note....doesn't that scrapbook paper really look like wood? I could almost swear there was a crevice between the boards, and with the flaking paint raising up? WOW! There's some great detail in that paper!

I have been working on my transportation of jewelry....can't wait to show you what I've done!
Have a great weekend, and I'll see ya back here on Monday!


  1. I love that necklace...I love that you know the names of shells! Yes, that scrapbook paper does look like wood!

  2. Love the hint of orange on that shell. Another nice necklace!

  3. What a beautiful shell. It looks very masculine with the leather cord. Enjoy the weekend...have some fun!

  4. Another awesome necklace! Now show us a picture of a hot guy!
    And you're right--that scrapbook paper is AMAZINGLY realistic!

  5. I love that you give us a little shell education along with your creations. Yes, I can see it around a man's neck.

    You can take it easy, it's OK. You've worked hard the last few weeks!

  6. Very cool!! And the background is paper... wow. Have a shellicious weekend!

  7. Guy necklace? I would put it on myself with a nice blouse... :)

  8. I think our hand and thinks really work better and more gorgeous than machine. Using a shell you simply prove your beauty and I think beauty can only bring beauty. This sort of attempt really inspire everyone.

  9. I like that necklace too Della. Smooches to your pooches.~Ames

  10. The necklace is great! Perfect for a guy. And if you hadn't told us that it was paper, I would have never know. It sure does look like wood.


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