
Monday, October 8, 2012

Belleair Beauty

There isn't anything like a great weekend out on the beach to recharge your batteries, refresh your spirit, and refuel your imagination! For me and hubby, Belleair is the place to be! Our home away from home.
going over the causeway

trying to get a pic of a jellyfish in the water

Hubby caught this little fish to use for bait....he's too pretty to use for bait!

 Friday was mostly overcast, with blue skies appearing here and there. But Saturday and Sunday were gorgeous!

This little kitchen is more than adequate for cooking up seafood for two!

Such a cute little stove :)

Hubby found 3 hermit crabs....we left them right there!

This heron was determined to steal the bait out of the bucket, but after several unsuccessful attempts, he crouched down to take flight.

and he wasn't the only bird interested in the bucket!

And then there was sunset....

and the clouds reflected the end of the day colors.


  1. What a fantastic weekend at the beach! You got some beautiful photos - loved the one of all the birds in flight and the one with the heron that looked like he was watching the fishing rod. LOL! What kind of fish do you catch?

  2. We've got your post up on both of our the same time! OH MY! It looks absolutely glorious! Oh, how I long to go back! Looks like the beach has evened out again. Can't wait to hear about SHELLS! Enjoy your day! It's in the 40s here now...our high will be 50. Can I come home now? heeheehee! Sweet hugs!

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful vacation! I love the bird photos; it looked to me like he was romantically interested in the fishing pole! I have a chickadee at the lake currently wooing the flag bracket on the boathouse funny to watch!

  4. Love how the clouds cleared to give you a sunset. Herons seem so much bigger the closer they get to people

  5. Stop it Del!! You know I want to come there! That hotel looks perfect because I like to cook when we travel!

  6. Della, how cool that you could take time and spend it together on the beach... Thanks for the photos, it's beautiful!

  7. Thanks for sharing your weekend! It looked like fun! I love the pictures of the heron.

  8. Thanks for sharing the great pics! The heron is my favorite. We have a lot of them around here, and I've rehabbed a couple. You know how I am with my wildlife.


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!