
Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Rainbow of Color and Shells

Let's pretend that these are really good pictures, ok. I know they are terrible. I have much to learn about my new camera. UGH.

These are some cute little tiny shell filled bottles on colored leather that I made for a 'cheap' item for my show booth. When I get better photos I'll put them in my Etsy.

These are some of the worst product photos I've ever taken...and I used to be a really bad photographer. I can't even pretend these are good lol!

These suck so bad I ordered a refurbished Nikon point & shoot for $50. They were display cameras and some that were ordered new and never picked up, or returned. So, practically brand new. It should be here tomorrow :)

The necklaces are really cute in person. The shells are very very small.

This camera refuses to let me shoot in macro. Boy I need to read that book again, and make my cheat sheet! And read more of my bookmarked pages on photography settings. This camera better rock the parade on Saturday, and the scrimmage on Sunday!

I'll be back when I have some crisp clear pics to share with matter what they are of!


  1. Did your old camera have the macro settings or is using the macro new to you? I had a hard time getting used to it on my camera also, and STILL have trouble once in awhile. It's definitely a learning curve.

  2. These are such cute necklaces. Hubby got a new camera this week and he's learning how to use it! Always fun! lol

  3. OK, why do they make point-and-shoot cameras so complicated?

    I hope your new Nikon works out better for you, only if it's a display model, will it arrive with grubby fingerprints all over it? Hopefully you'll get an unclaimed new one.

    Well, you can't beat $50, whatever the outcome. And if you figure out the macro on your Fuji, then you'll have two new cameras!

  4. I can still tell that they are cute! I got my camera last Christmas and I still pull out my book to learn more. You will get the hang of it.


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