
Monday, February 11, 2013

The Great Volunteer Tomato

I have a tomato update!

I didn't get tomatoes for Thanksgiving or even Christmas. Maybe I would have if I had fertilized and watered that poor lil volunteer plant. But seeing as how it was a total volunteer....I just let it do it's thing.

The tomatoes are small, and look like habanero peppers.

It is so loaded with blossoms!

and lots of lil tomatoes!

Since it is doing so well, and spring is just around the next couple of corners.....

I think I'm gonna start watering it, and give it some food :)

It would be fun to see if this plant can vine all over the front flower bed...

and around the pond with some larger, juicier tomatoes! And since the front of the house seems quite suitable for tomatoes, why not plant more in between the azaleas? Or maybe even instead of the azaleas? They haven't ever looked really good anyway....

I guess I better put my gardening hat back on! But until I get my seeds and plants, I'll keep making jewelry ;)

I am feeling a little better, at least enough to have some hopes and dreams again! Thank you all so much for your well wishes! I do appreciate it so much! I should be well mended by next weekend, but that was the roughest week I've had in a long, long time.

I played with mom shells a little, and I have something to show you!



  1. So glad to hear you are finally feeling better, dear Della.

  2. Hi! I've been catching up on your posts from the past week. Not sure how I missed them...sorry to hear you were sick and your ribs hurt so bad, but glad that you're feeling better now. I thought I escaped sickness this winter, but I woke up this morning with it. Doesn't matter---I'm still snowed in! Looking at the lushness of your little tomato plant makes me wonder why I continue to want to live in the North. The grass is always greener on the other side... (literally)

  3. These tomatoes are so pretty and in a good place to keep an eye on them. I'm glad you are feeling better! Take care of yourself! Sweet hugs!

  4. FYI - If you put a shell in your garden it will keep the turtles off your ta-maters :D


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!