
Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Blog Buddy, My Friend

On Friday Laci and I went shopping for some new clothes! I had a gift card to spend, so off we went.

I met up with a dear friend, too! Diane from Lavender Dreams! We had SO much fun! Diane is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside, and let me tell you....she is so very beautiful!
I haven't had that much fun shopping in ages! Diane picked some pretty outfits in nice bright spring colors, and I picked a couple of outfits, tops, and a dress. I'll share pics of me wearing them this coming week ;)

Laci kept saying over and over all day....."Diane is so nice, and she is so FUN!" We love Diane, and I'm so happy I finally got to meet her. We actually go back a ways....

I used to have a public blog called Getting My Life Back One Bead at a Time that I started in 2009 pertaining to my Lupus, and Diane was one of the first 10 followers on that blog! I started following her blog, too. Well, it's a very small world as we were to find out about 2 years or so later.....we live in the same town! Seeeeee, small world! We have wanted to meet for a while, and it worked out that we were able to arrange it. It was so natural to give her a big HUG! I feel like I've known her for YEARS, and I guess I really have. She is a REAL sweetheart, and I am glad to call her my FRIEND!

Have you met any blogging buddies?


  1. What a treasure to live so close to your blog buddy/friend :) I've never met any of my blog buddies.

  2. It was amazing to meet you both! We already knew each other so we could just have FUN! I'm wearing my new coral top this morning, it's cool and comfy! I need help with my wardrobe and now I know how to get it! You've been BUSY! Better get some rest today. I'm making a new scarf for my dresser this morning but I hope I can get out this afternoon and see the world...or our little part of it anyway! HUGS!

  3. There's no buddies like blog buddies. The 2 of you are high on the top of my "To Meet" list.

  4. that was super cool! I like reading stories of bloggers meeting up. It makes me believe that not everyone on the interwebs are crazy psychos.

  5. We are famous and only a little psycho! heehee! I see we are on Kaybe's blog today, too! WOW! How much fun is THIS? ♥♥♥

  6. How exciting! I've not met any blog buddies yet but I would love to meet some of them sometime. How funny to find out that you live in the same town. I have a few that I know live within a couple hours of me but so far not in the same town.

    Glad you had such a nice time. And I'll bet she went home and told everyone how nice you are too!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!