
Monday, March 26, 2012

My Very Beady Friend

Not only did I have the great fortune of meeting my friend Diane on Friday, I also met another blogger friend Sunday for brunch!

Karen from The Beaded Pillow, blog and Etsy shop!

She was passing through town on her way back home after a few days in Boca Grande, and we met at Cracker Barrel. We chit chatted like old friends! It was serious non stop talking! We really had a ball!

Man, I have had one very exciting and FUN weekend!

Karen made this cute little change purse, wallet, business card holder for me! (I'm using it for business cards-her idea!)

I love this fabric, and had commented on it on her blog. She had some scraps leftover, and used them for me! I think I'll need business cards for her in here, too. What if someone asks where I got it? And of course I'll be pulling it out of my wristlet that Diane made for me, so should have some of her business cards in it, too!

If you haven't met Karen on the internet, you should hop over to her blog, and her shop and check out her pillows and stuff! She makes coasters, door hangers, and other very beady and cool creations. Her pillows are stunningly beautiful! She does amazing work, and she is another beautiful and fun friend I can really call my friend now! I'm sure we will get together the next time she is down this way!

I'm looking forward to meeting more of my awesome blog buddies! We already KNOW each other, and getting together gives us a chance to hug for real!

On another note, but still blog related~ I'd like to welcome new followers to my blog! Thanks for joining in and hanging out here with me :D
I'm only 3 away from the magic number of 100, and I see a giveaway in the hopefully very near future!!!

Since I played all's time to get back to work and finish up those projects so I can have something new to post about!

What did you do over the weekend?


  1. Very nice-friends in a FL Cracker Barral. Now I'm definitly jelous. Cheers

  2. That is a lovely cardholder. My daughter crocheted an orange one for me.

    This weekend was wonderful. We had my oldest grandson over for a sleepover. We started by going to see some peacocks that I recently discovered. Then we ate pizza for lunch. After that we worked in the yard, went to the lake, and played "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" on the computer.

    Later I taught him how to knit a cap on a loom, and we made a card for his parent's anniversary. Then we took lots of pictures.

  3. That is a lovely cardholder. My daughter crocheted an orange one for me.

    This weekend was wonderful. We had my oldest grandson over for a sleepover. We started by going to see some peacocks that I recently discovered. Then we ate pizza for lunch. After that we worked in the yard, went to the lake, and played "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" on the computer.

    Later I taught him how to knit a cap on a loom, and we made a card for his parent's anniversary. Then we took lots of pictures.

  4. What fun! And what a lovely lady! I haven't visited her blog so I'm anxious to spend some time there. I love the little bag she made for you...beautiful colors! And I noticed you were almost to 100! KUDOS my friend! I just started a sweet giveaway this morning...hurry by! And enjoy your day!

  5. I'm jealous! You got to meet 2 of my favorite bloggers. Both of them are so talented in different areas. What a great week you had!

  6. Hi Della! We made it safely home this afternoon. Thank you SO much for the wonderful blog post and the beautiful necklace! I am so happy we met and thrilled to have a friend in Ocala, FL. I shall post soon.....need to settle back in first. Hugs!!!

  7. How nice to meet another blog friend! And I love her little holder. Beads add so much style to something like that. I'll have to go check out her blog.


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!