
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dentalium Shell Earrings with Sterling Silver and Pearls

Hello! Have I got something special to show you today!?!? Oh, you bet I do :)

When hubs and I went to the beach a couple of weekends ago, and we went to that little shell shop, I found some Dentalium "tusk" shells. They are sooooo pretty, and I had to buy just a few of them to play with and see what I could come up with.

But first, a little history on these tusk shells. Native Americans used them to make jewelry, and beaded clothing. They traded for them, and these shells were highly sought after, prized, and very valuable. A nice long dentalium shell was worth a dugout canoe! WOW! They used them in ceremonies, weddings, burials, and even made hair adornments with them. Native Americans have been using shells of all kinds, and pearls in their clothing decorations and jewelry for hundreds of years. Archeologists and Anthropologists have found seashell jewelry dating back thousands of years! I think I may be channeling my ancestors with this seashell jewelry making thing that I am so enthralled with.

I'm pretty sure this is my favorite pair of earrings I have made so far!

I love everything about these! The long, beautifully curved shells, the sterling chain and pearl drop, and the color of them.

This was going to be a post of several earrings that DO lay nice for photos, but these really deserved their very own post, dont'cha think.

I'll be back with more earrings, and/or the several other things I've finished....tomorrow, and through the week!

Thanks for hanging out with me, your opinions and comments really do mean a LOT to me!


  1. I hope you made some for yourself! These would look fabulous with your long hair! Enjoy your day! YAY...sunshine today!

  2. You never cease to amaze me. Gorgeous again.


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!