
Monday, August 27, 2012

Go Away Rain, I Want to Work on my Bucket List!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I did....regardless that we did NOT do what we planned.

We planned to take the pontoon out for a little adventure, but with LAKE wind advisories, we decided the OCEAN probably wasn't the best idea either. We are shooting for next weekend!

It has been so rainy/squally here, enough to keep us indoors. I don't mind getting wet, that's not the problem.
GOODBYE Isaac! Why don't you just fizzle out and leave everyone alone....just send some rain to those who need it :)

I will tell you that my/our plans include things on My Bucket List. I finally published it. It's been hanging out in drafts for ohhhhh at least a year. I wasn't thrilled with the placement of it above. I wanted it next to Jewelry Care....oh well....such is life.

I did take a step in the direction of doing the "other" planned thing!

I'd love to tell you what I'm doing, but I want pictures to go along with it. I know....BUMMER!

Since I can't, or won't tell yet....I have a few pics I snapped last week of some new earrings. I'm not real happy with the pics, so I'm still working on HOW to take good pics of earrings with dangly things on them. Bear with me lol!

These are really difficult to photo! They actually are closer in color than they look, and the white calcium on the one shell is barely noticeable in real life. I just can't convey that through a picture. Working on it!

Those cute little crystal dangles in front of the shells do not lay right laying flat....working on this, too.

Love these! But again, the dangles! ARGH! And my lighting for shooting uprights isn't quite working either, no matter how I angle my lights. If it would stop raining during the part of the day the lighting is excellent, I would open the garage door for some nice natural lighting. I just may have to sell these in person, and not on Etsy.

This week I will be working on my booth display, and placement of items and props. Finishing some necklaces, and making more stuff to gear up for this show. AND taking pics of things I've already made, whewwww.

My fingers are crossed for great weather next weekend!!!!

Any tips or tricks for taking my pics?

Any guesses on what I have planned?


  1. I have no idea what you have planned, nor am I a good photographer! (No help, I know) But, I do love that whale tale as a display....Awesome! Here's hoping for better weather!

  2. I have some ideas but not sure. I did read your bucket list and see a few things that are on mine, too. Right at the top is seeing the sunrise on one coast and sunset on the other...on the same day! I think that would be awesome. I love your earrings...especially the last pair. They are all beautiful! Looks like we have another day inside! Take care! Hugs!

  3. I know what ONE of your bucket list items is and I can't wait for you to do it. The whale tail display works nicely.

  4. Glad to hear that you are OK. I was worried about all my blogger-friends that live in Florida... Beautiful photos. As of lights, try different spots in your house or even outside. I was working with my photos and realized that the darker spot in my kitchen has better light than a lit living room with glass doors from floor to ceiling. :)

  5. So sorry you didn't get to go out this weekend. I love those earrings. I think they are my fans yet. Hmmmm

  6. Hi Del. I really love the little kitten paw earrings! How can I buy them and can you make some with light green/blue crystal beads?? Thanks! Donna


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