
Monday, November 19, 2012

A Feast To Remember

Oh, I'm not talking about Thanksgiving. I'm talking about the roller derby bout lastnight! The theme was "Feast of the Cannibals". And what a feast it was! The Cannibals bouted against Sintral Florida Derby Demons, and made a meal out of them.

And I forgot my camera.

And I really enjoyed the bout!

It was so intense!

No trying to get the perfect shot as my daughter and her team mates come flying by me...
and I really got into it!

They WON! Against Sintral! WOW!

I'm a proud derby momma :D


  1. Ha! Ha! Ha! I thought you were going to reveal a big Thanksgiving feast!!! How awesome! Glad you forgot your camera and were able to just enjoy!

  2. How exciting! You probably enjoyed it even more without the pressure of taking photos! Way to go team! Enjoy your day and this busy week ahead!

  3. It's fun to hear what people's
    preconceived notions about a post are... Mine is that you went shelling and had a shelling bonanza!

  4. You are going to have to invest in a new sports camera that captures the fast action.

  5. No excuses. If you forget your camera again, next time you have to draw us a picture of the most action-packed moment! :-)

  6. Congrats to the team! But you forgot your camera? I never leave home without mine. But it's not like you would have caught a good picture because I'm sure they were whizzing by so fast, you'd have a big blur.


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!