
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Red & Green

Yesterday while taking a break, I decided to stretch my legs and take a walk around the yard. Not the WHOLE yard, just the front/side yards.

A few weeks ago, maybe 3, I noticed a TOMATO plant growing by the front door next to the mermaid and the pond! A little volunteer!

I decided to leave it and just see what happens. It has had blooms on it for a week or so, and yesterday I noticed it has some lil' maters on it :)

It looks like we have some Roma's! About the only time I use Roma's is for fresh salsa, so someone, maybe me, spit a seed out walking by the pond. I just may start spitting all kinds of seeds all over the place! (That extension cord is not plugged into the was for my pumpkins) I should have tomatoes by Christmas, or maybe even Thanksgiving :D

What drew me outside in the first place was gazing at my poinsettia for most of the day from my craft room. It is getting more colorful.

This is the one I see from my chair! It leans and sways and is perfectly in my line of vision.

The leaves are looking a bit raggedy though from all the wind we had from Sandy.

So tall!

I sure hope it makes it to full bloom!

The other side doesn't get much sun since the maple tree got so huge, so isn't even showing red yet. Did you know that a poinsettia starts changing and getting red when the days are shorter and nights are longer? To get them to the beautiful specimens you see in the stores, they force the blooms by cutting their daylight and forcing darkness upon them early. It takes bright sunlight, and 12 hours of darkness at least 5 days in a row to turn them colors. I would love to have one of each color growing alongside the house!

It's time to put my photographer hat on. I am waaaaaaaaay behind on listings! I would also have somethings to post about if I would just take some pics! I still have to set up my lightbox and lights every time I do a photo session. I would love a permanent set up! If I could just find the space....near an outlet.


  1. I had no idea poinsettias got so tall!! I wish they would grow outdoors here! I love them! We are done with outdoor blooming stuff until spring now, so that was fun to see!

  2. What cute little 'maters! And I was shocked to see the big poinsettias growing in people's flower beds when I moved here. Yours is beautiful!

  3. That poinsettia is huge - I never knew they would grow like that. We never see anything like that up north. And it's weird to see a tomato plant starting in the fall. You'll have Christmas tomatoes!

  4. Love that the tomato plant just took root and grew on its own. So cool! Don't you love life?

    Can I just say wow to that monster poinsettia? Wow, I've never seen them so tall before. I hope it turns all red for you and we get to see the pictures :)

  5. Oh how I'd love to see Florida again. It's like another planet! A poinsettia in your yard is much preferable to the Christmas pots we get up here. I remember hearing about how you can make them turn by putting them in a closet for a time, but I never tried it.

  6. Only in Florida can you have tomatoes and poinsettias at the same time! The poinsettia is amazing.

    I still have some blooms on my knock out roses and mums but our leaves are just about gone and everything else is finished.

    Put that photographer hat on, girl! Christmas is around the corner!

  7. I love the poinsettia! Definitely a nice place to stretch your legs. The maters are so cute too! Bet they will be delicious!

  8. I love the poinsettia! Like Kim, I never knew they grew like that...especially that huge!! Maybe when I live in Florida I can have poinsettias too!! :) I'll have to get pointers from you!!


Thanks for visiting my little piece of paradise!